What is the Mystic Monk scandal? Discuss the background of the Mystic Monks coffee. Lastly, evaluate the business model of the Mystic Monks. These are some of the likely questions you will encounter. However, when this happens, you should never worry. Homework market is here to take you through each question and handle your assignments at affordable rates with the best grades ever.

History Of The Mystic Monk Scandal

The Mystic Monks scandal is about a case that came to the limelight in 2009 in the United States. The case involved the Carmelite monks owned by the Immaculate Heart of Mary monastery in Cody, Wyoming. The monks held a fundraising campaign to buy a ranch called Irma Lake Ranch in their neighborhood. Their objective was to build a retreating center and a new monastery.

However, their campaign attracted attention and raised eyebrows since they were receiving huge donations from different organizations and individuals having business relations with Father Daniel Mary, the inventor of the project. After a thorough inspection of the various transactions channeled towards the project, it was discovered that most of the donations were done in exchange for precise promises, some included probable investment prospects. The inspection led to various accusations of mismanagement and fraud, which later resulted in the Mystic Monks scandal.

In the end, there was an issue that resolved the case and the monks had to return all the donations they had received while making promises to the donors for future business dealings. Also, they were instructed to stop making promises for future business dealings. However, the Mystic Monks scandal attracted the attention of the global media, and questions regarding ethics involving fundraising practices escalated. Additionally, the accountability of religious establishments in the commercial world was questioned.

Mission Of Carmelite Monks

The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming is a group of catholic monks who have dedicated their lives to solitude, self-sacrifice, and prayer. The group was founded in 2003 and is set in western Wyoming. They live a rigid and simple life directed by the Rule of St. Albert that puts emphasis on solitude, prayer, and silence.

The only mission of the Carmelite monks is to serve God through meditation, prayers, and loving Christ by living a monastic life. From the Mystic Monks scandal blog, one finds that they strongly believe that their mission is a response to God’s signal and their life of solitude and prayer is a way of being part of the compensation mission of Christ. The monks dedicate their daily lives to the Eucharist and concentrate on prayers, individual prayers, and liturgy of the hours. Also, they engage in activities involving manual labor, such as bookbinding, gardening, and woodworking. Such events help in supporting the chores in the monastery and issue them to society. They believe that it is one way of showing detachment and humility.

Additionally, the Carmelite monks demonstrate a unique devotion to the Virgin Mary and view her as representing faith and mediative prayer. Thus, there are daily rosary prayers and honorably celebrating food for the Virgin Mary on some accessions every year. Additionally, they accept visitors to the monastery and put forward spiritual paths and retreats. This is one way they believe that they share the blessings of leading such a life with the visitors and helping the church. Also, the monks regard their obligation to promote and preserve the spiritual and liturgy traditions of Catholics.

Background Of Mystic Monks Coffee

It was in the 1990s that the Mystic Monks came to light when a few young catholic men made the decision to become monks. From the University of Dallas, they started a group and moved to Wyoming to set up a monastery. They wanted to devote and medicate their time to work and prayer. Nevertheless, it came to their attention that in order to have sustainable lives, they required support, and they started to realize ways to fund their objective of establishing a monastery. It is then that the idea of establishing a coffee business stood out to them, which according to them would be profitable and help them attain their goal.

After a while, the monks started to establish their coffee business and called it “Mystic Monks Coffee”. They sold the coffee online and offline. They diligently worked to build a name for the entity and ensured that they produced coffee of high quality, made with organic beans, and sustainably procured. Within a short while, the coffee business thrived and attracted the attention of secular media houses and Catholics.

However, in 2003 some members accused the Mystic Monks community of financial mismanagement and alleged deceit in the business. In spite of the scandal being on the Mystic Monks, they continued running the business. As a result, they kept gaining the attention of supporters and critics. In 2007, they declared that they purchased the ranch from profits from the business and donations.

The Mystic Monks scandal raised several questions about business and faith going hand in hand with religious activities and influence on their believers and the community.

Business Model of the Mystic Monks Coffee

Mystic Monks Coffee is a small coffee company situated in Clark, Wyoming. The company was established in 2007 to work in hand with the monastery with the key objective of generating regular income and helping them have a sustainable life at the monastery. The following are some of the key business models of Mystic Monks Coffee:

  1. Niche market – the business targets precise niche markets: the catholic consumers searching for the high-quality coffee produced by the monks.
  2. Branding – the establishment has created a strong tie since they have a strong connection with the Carmelite monks.
  3. Online sales – the coffee business is run both offline and online, the entity has a website which is useful as customers use the platform to place coffee orders.
  4. Product quality – the company is known for producing roasted coffee of high quality.
  5. Philanthropy – part of the profits from the business is used to support the works of the monastery and other charitable works.

For more information and insight into the Mystic Monks scandal, visit Homeworkmarket.

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